Monday, February 13, 2012

Because I Am Spoilt...

I swear, this blog is starting to sound like a Liam fan club!  Don't worry... for all the great things he does for me, there is still plenty about him that drives me batshit insane.  He can be the sweetest boy, and he spoilts me rotten, but we all need a little balance!

Well, now that I've got that disclaimer out of the way... I can haz present?

We were at the shops looking for a birthday present for a friend, and I stumbled across this little gem.  It looked like an awesome present, and I was contemplating it (especially because it was on sale!) but I have ALWAYS wanted one of these and realised that it would break my heart to hand it over.  So I told Liam it was a no-go as a present, and since I already have a cute little 2 person white wicker picnic basket, told myself I didn't need it.

I wandered off around the store to look at a few other items, but turned around to see the lady at the counter handing Liam a massive shopping bag. 

It is PERFECT! It's exactly like the picnic basket I have been lusting after for over 6 years, and even comes with a little insulated bag for all your cold items.  I love it. It is the most perfect present, and it's not even for Valentine's Day.

It's just because I am spoilt!


  1. WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?! My Dad had a picnic basket like this when I was younger and have wanted one forever. You are a very lucky girl! :D

    1. We got this at General Trader, but it was the last one in the shop! :( Maybe another store would have more stock though?

  2. Yeah I'm jealous too! I have a picnic set that comes in a cooler back pack thing I was given as a present years ago. I WANT a basket, but can't justify it...but if it's on sale? :-P

    1. Yeah I saw these wicked cooler hampers as well! There's something quaint about a wicker picnic basket though! And a sale is ALWAYS a good excuse to buy ;)

  3. Awwwww that's too sweet! Hubby bought my iPhone as a surprise right in front of me, I didn't think anything of him talking to the Sales Assistant because I didn't know they don't have registers haha

    1. Aw how sweet! I'm thinking I need a new 60' TV. Maybe I'll drop hints next time we're in JB Hifi? :P

  4. Awww that's so sweet! I bought a similar one for my friends' engagement and they have used it so many times already!


  5. That is perfect! You've got a great catch there.

  6. you're right, it's a fab basket!!! Can't wait for picnicking adventures :)
    Heidi xo
