The last few events we've tried to organise have been cursed with dismal weather (read: thunderstorms) however it was our turn for a win, and we were blessed with sunshine and a lovely warm summer's day! Whilst I busied myself sorting out my nails (the important stuff, obviously!) Liam cleaned, swept, dusted, decorated and transformed our backyard.
Of course there were Australian flags! We put up large ones in the bar, in the bungalow, on the fence, and hanging off the hills hoist for good measure! I decided that my Essendon flag also needed to take pride of place in the bar too. Liam, although being a massive Hawks supporter himself, humoured me and put it up as I asked.
More flags outside the bar area, and we brought the ratties outside to play! As you can see, Rocket is keeping guard, and making sure his little pals are safe! We also had new covers for the two couches in the bar, but people seemed to use them more for storage space than anything! Since it was such nice weather, everyone opted to sit out in the yard to enjoy the sunshine! It was lovely... kind of like having a little picnic at home with our friends! :)
Liam was determined to have zinc! He was so excited to find green and yellow coloured zinc at the shops too! He had a ball, painting everyone's faces with Aussie-coloured stripes! Unfortunately for me, his godson got a hold of the zinc and I decided it would be a good idea to let him paint little wiggly lines down my leg. Just a note for all of you - zinc does NOT come off easily, and may result in awkward little tan lines!
The pool got PLENTY of use! Boys being boys, were running around attacking each other and throwing everyone into the water. Unfortunately, this resulted in a couple of phone deaths. RIP little phones.
Rocket loved joining in the festivities! But the excitement all got a bit too much for him!
The next day, I totally understood how he felt. I think most of our guests were feeling a little worse for wear but it was totally worth it!
I was not a huge fan of the top song of the Hottest 100 though! But then again, I've always been a little less into commercial music than the next person. I just don't understand the big hype over that song. I mean, it's a good tune, but is it really THAT deserving? And it's been overplayed to death.
What are your thoughts?

Rocket is too cute!!
ReplyDeleteI love cross-pet relationships. My cat and dog are buddies, it's gold.
I don't even know what song was the top one, so... shows how much I know! haha.
Meanwhile, multiple phone deaths? Suicide pact? I would cry if my phone died!
I totally agree! Our friends keep joking that one day Rocket will eat the ratties, but I see the way he is with them. It's almost like he thinks they're his puppies!
DeleteThe top song was by Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know. It's a good song, just SO overdone!
I loved the top song, but I have my reasons haha!
ReplyDeleteRocket is oh so cute!!!
Ooh, reasons... sounds intriguing! I have nothing against the song, I just don't understand the massive hype!
DeleteAlso, agree about Rocket... but I am a little biased where he is concerned! :P
I agree with you about the top song. I actually really liked it when it first came out but then it won all those awards and is now played on every single radio station, it is way too overplayed and I can't even escape it. I'll be happy once it finally dies down, then I'll start liking it again.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you all had a great Australia day including the ratties and Rocket! :)
Exactly! It's just been played far too much, and just gets on my nerves now.