Wednesday, March 6, 2013

(Not So) Wordless Wednesday : New Camera!

I have had a brief absence from the world of blogging lately, although I've been checking in every now and then to read what you had all been up to! Things have been so busy lately, and I've just had a complete lack of motivation to sit down and actually write! But I'm hoping that I'll have a blogging resurgence and will be able to re-enter the World of Blogging with a vengeance.

However before I do that, I'm probably going to disappear for a couple of weeks.  Tomorrow Liam and I are off to the airport and we're heading to Malaysia.  We'll be starting in the East, heading to Kota Kinabalu.  We'll be climbing a mountain, adventuring a rainforest, getting on board a steam train, and heading to an island resort where we will do nothing but eat, sleep, drink tasty cocktails and bask in the sunshine! Then we're off to Kuala Lumpur for more food and drink, but also hopefully an immense amount of shopping to be done!

Rocket's missed the blog, and has told me to say hello to you all! And although I know this is a far from wordless post, he's dying to feature in yet another Wordless Wednesday!

 Ahh, time for bed!

WAIT. What's that? A new camera?!?!

Can I see? Pleeeeeeeease, can I seeeeeeeeeee?!

We got a new camera to take with us on our trip, so hopefully I'll have lots of killer holiday snaps to share once we get back! Hope all has been good with everyone, and I'm off to catch up on some of my favourite blogs! :)

Wordless Wednesday happens here, here, here and here!


  1. Awww, my pic today is a doggie too! Come link up with me at

    Have fun with your new camera!


  2. Enjoy the trip, I just got back from Hong Kong yesterday!!!

    Mines up as well at AussiePomm - Hong Kong Sunrise!!!!

    Have a great day!!

  3. Aw lucky you going to Malaysia! My bf is Malaysian, and he's planning on going there later this year...I already cant wait to go with him :D

  4. Oooh have fun on your trip! Malaysia is one of my favourite places mmm yummy food...

  5. Hello there again! Hope you have a wonderful trip and put that new camera to good use. Enjoy the eating and shopping!

  6. Oh I do love a good dog close up! Enjoy your holiday :)

  7. Great close up photo. I love all your photos. Yay for a new camera

  8. Yay you are back. I was wondering what happened to you. I know what you mean re lack of motivation for blogging, I'm the same atm.

    Enjoy your holiday!! x

  9. Enjoy your trip, so jealous haha :) I'm having the same problem with blogging as well. No motivation, but heaps of things going on that I could blog about. Frustating!

  10. What a handsome fella. He is right to want to take centre stage!


  11. Great pictures! I love the nose!!

  12. Welcome back babe! Have a blast on the holiday xx

  13. wow...nice close ups...
